Are Data Science and Data Analytics the Same?

Are Data Science and Data Analytics the Same?

In the era of data-driven decision-making, terms like “Data Science” and “Data Analytics” are frequently thrown around. But are they the same thing? Many people use these terms interchangeably, but there are subtle yet significant differences between them. In this…

Lorenzo Galluzi

Lorenzo Galluzi

In this amazing data science real application, an internationally recognized cell biologist and top scientist of his native Italy shares how he uses Data to find breakthroughs in cancer research. Running a lab at Weill Cornell in New York City for…

Thomas Ruppel

Thomas Ruppel

In this thought provoking real application, a recognized industry expert and thought leader with leadership experiences at JP Morgan Chase Bank and PNC Bank, explains how data has become and will continue to be, the paramount asset in the future…

Marc Paradis

Marc Paradis

PART I This is Part 1 of a 3 part series. In this Podcast, we interview Marc Paradis, the Head of Data Strategy for North Wealth Holdings and Ventures. Here, we understand the evolution of Data Science as Marc’s life…

Marc Paradis

Marc Paradis

PART II This is Part 2 of a 3 part series. Marc Paradis, a Data Scientist and executive leader, teaches us how to carry on impactful and real conversations with top Level Executives and the C-level Suite, making an emphasis…