Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Disclaimer and Warranty

Although JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK makes every effort to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website, we do not warrant in any way, either expressly or implicitly, the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on it and we disclaim any liability for its use. from this site or sites linked to it. JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK may change this site at any time without notice but does not assume responsibility for updating it. All users agree that any access to or use of this website or any site linked to it and its contents is at their own risk. Neither JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK nor any other party involved in the creation, production or presentation of this website or any other site linked to it shall be liable for any damages resulting from your access, use or inability to use this website. or any website linked to it, or any errors or omissions in the content thereof.
No offer and no promotion
The information provided on this website does not constitute an offer or promotion for the acquisition or elimination of business relationships or transactions of any value from JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK. Investors should not rely on this information for their investment decisions.
Information for the future
This page may contain forward-looking information. This information is subject to many important uncertainties, including scientific, business, economic and financial factors, and therefore actual results may differ significantly from those presented here.
Links to third party sites are provided for the user’s convenience only. We do not express any opinion about the content of any third party pages and we expressly disclaim any responsibility for the information contained in the third party pages and for the use made of it.
factory brands
All trademarks mentioned are owned by a member of the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group, or a member of the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group has permission to use them.


The JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website and the data it contains or to which it refers are for informational purposes only. Any reproduction, retransmission or other use of these is completely prohibited. Permission to reproduce any information contained on this website should be sought from the site administrator JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK.

Privacy Policy


At JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK we are concerned about the protection of the privacy of all the people with whom we interact and we are committed to acting in accordance with the applicable regulations on data protection. All JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK websites that contain this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Policy”) undertake to treat the personal data of users in accordance with this Policy and in accordance with current regulations. This Policy describes the methods of collection, use and transfer, by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK and other companies of the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group, of the personal data that you provide us or that we obtain or generate, at the time you access our websites, contact Us or make a request in relation to our products and/or services. This Policy does not apply to online resources and third party sites to which JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK websites are linked and for which JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK does not control either the content or the procedures related to privacy protection. Therefore, users who decide to access the aforementioned websites are advised to consult the Terms and Conditions and privacy policies available on the sites they access.


Personal data provided by you when you interact with the website, including browsing data, or when you request to use the services offered by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK (for example: registration in any reserved area, information requests through forms, contact, etc. .), or when you interact with JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK through any other means (for example: through warranty cards, forms, telephone service, etc.). Additional data that you provide us during the processing and management of your request is included.
Most of the sites that contain this privacy policy are accessible to visitors without requiring registration. However, to access certain sections of the website, or to be able to benefit from certain services offered by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK, it may be necessary for you to complete a registration procedure, which implies filling in fields with your own personal data. The fact of not providing the requested data in the mandatory fields (necessary data), means that your registration is not allowed, and, consequently, you will not be able to access the reserved area or you will not be able to benefit from the service. Regarding the rest of the non-mandatory data (voluntary data), you are free to provide them or not, basing your treatment on the most recent consent you have given us.
Data from special categories (for example, health data), JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK will treat said data in attention to the consent granted by you, as well as for all matters related to the reports of adverse reactions, to comply with the obligations derived from the laws or regulations, or to comply with contractual or pre-contractual obligations derived from the contracting of suppliers of goods and/or services.
Data derived from browsing our websites. If you browse our websites, only non-confidential information about you will be automatically collected and processed. In particular, no information relating to your health will be collected when you browse public pages on our websites. However, your personal information will be processed to the extent necessary to deliver the public content you request from us, for example by formatting it for your browser. Your personal information will also be processed for our legitimate interests to protect the security of our website systems and to measure audiences for the various types of content provided. For this, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK uses, for example, web server logs, IP addresses, web beacons, social accessories or plugins, cookies, etc. For more information see our Cookies Policy[MI1] .?
As well as any other data whose processing we are otherwise entitled to in accordance with current regulations.

2. JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK’s sites are aimed at an adult audience. Therefore, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK will not voluntarily collect identification data from minors.

JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK may process your personal data to allow you to use the services and functionalities present on the website and optimize its operation, manage the requests received, for user registration to any reserved area, as well as all those treatments necessary to comply with your request, service, query or acquisition and to be able to track it.
To be able to send you, including by electronic means, communications regarding news about the product or service you have purchased or other similar products or to be able to carry out satisfaction surveys, to improve the service provided, based on our legitimate interest and as permitted by the applicable regulations. You can oppose receiving this type of communication, at any time, either through the option to unsubscribe in each communication, through the postal and electronic addresses indicated.
In addition, with your express consent, to send you communications to allow you to give your opinion, receive advice and useful information and about products and services distributed by the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group (including products and services from selected business partners). You can revoke your consent at any time, through the indicated postal and electronic addresses.
JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK may also process your personal data in order to comply with the obligations derived from laws, regulations and community legislation.
Your personal data, including your special category data, may also be processed for management and compliance with current regulations.

Your data will not be transferred to third parties without your consent, except when necessary to meet the purposes of the treatment, as required by applicable legislation, courts and/or public authorities. That is why, if necessary, your data may be transferred to Public Administrations or Bodies, audit companies, companies that manufacture third-party products that JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK distributes or provides, etc.
Your data may be transferred to the companies that make up the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group, for internal administrative and management purposes, provided that said transfer is necessary to comply with the purposes of processing your personal data related to the management of your request or his relationship with JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK; as well as the service providers with whom JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK has signed the corresponding contracts, applying all the necessary guarantees and safeguards to preserve your privacy.
Sometimes, we need to transfer your data to companies that manufacture products distributed by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK, or companies that collaborate with JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK in the manufacture of a product, in order to comply with the product’s own guarantee and in accordance with existing legal obligations. Your data may also be transferred to the competent authorities or public registries when required under current regulations.
In the event that JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK needs to make other communications of your personal data, if necessary, he will previously request your consent.

JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK informs you that you could contract services from technology providers located in countries that do not have regulations equivalent to the Chilean one (“Third Countries”). Likewise, in the event that the manufacturer of the product is located in Third Countries, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK may share your personal data only if it is necessary to comply with the obligations derived from the product guarantee, or derived from the legal obligations to which JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK is subject to the applicable legislation. In any case, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK will comply with all the requirements established by the data protection regulations, applying to the transfer of your data all the guarantees and safeguards necessary to preserve your privacy.
For more information about the guarantees to your privacy in relation to said international transfers, contact us through the electronic addresses indicated.

Your data will be processed only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes indicated in this Policy and will be kept for the period strictly necessary for this. In any case, your personal data will be kept as long as your relationship with Us is maintained and, after the termination of said relationship for any reason, during the applicable legal limitation periods. In this case, they will be processed for the sole purpose of proving compliance with our legal or contractual obligations. Once these limitation periods have expired, your data will be deleted or, alternatively, anonymized.

JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK adopts the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or processed in any other way.

At any time, you can exercise your rights, by communication through the following addresses:
– Postcard: Carrera 5 No 0 south – 20. Guadalajara de Buga Valle del Cauca
– Electronics:
You can always choose whether or not to share your personal data with JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK. If you decide not to provide your personal data, oppose the processing of the data, or revoke consent to the processing already carried out, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK will respect this decision, without prejudice to the legal obligations to which it is subject. However, this could make it impossible for JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK to attend to your request, as well as the impossibility of you being able to use the services and products offered by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK.
Information gathering
There are two general methods used by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK to collect your information online:
The information we obtain
Personally Identifiable Information: You can visit our websites without providing any personal information. We will only collect your personally identifiable information (for example, name, address, telephone number, email address, or other identifiable information) when you choose to provide it to us. We may also obtain the health information you provide us by responding to our questions or surveys.
Additional information: In some cases we also remove personal identifiers from the data you provide us and store it in additional form. We may combine this data with other information to produce anonymous and aggregated statistical information (for example, number of visitors, Internet service provider’s originating domain name), which we use to improve our products and services.

Information obtained automatically
We, along with certain third-party providers with whom we collaborate, automatically receive certain types of information whenever you interact with us, whether through our sites or through email communications. The automated technologies we use include, for example, web server reporting/IP addresses, cookies, web beacons (invisible pixels), and third-party applications and content tools.
Reports web server/IP addresses. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer whenever you connect to the Internet. The identification of computers on the Internet is done through IP addresses, which allow computers and servers to recognize and communicate. JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK collects IP addresses for system administration and to send aggregate information to affiliates, business partners and/or vendors for site analysis and website performance reviews.
Cookies. A cookie is a piece of information that is automatically installed on your computer’s hard drive when you access certain websites. Cookies uniquely identify your browser to the server. They allow us to store information on the server to provide you with a more pleasant web experience and to perform site analytics and review the performance of the website. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies, although you can set your browser to reject all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please note, however, that some sections of our sites may not function properly if cookies are rejected.
Web Beacons or web beacons. On certain web pages or emails, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK may use a common Internet technology called a web beacon (also known as an “action tag” or “pixel tag technology”). Web beacons help analyze the effectiveness of websites by calculating, for example, the number of visitors to a certain site or how many visitors clicked on key elements of a site.
Web beacons, cookies, and other web tracking technologies do not automatically collect personally identifiable information. Only if you voluntarily submit personally identifiable information to us, such as by registering or sending emails, these automatic tracking technologies may be used to provide additional information about your use of the websites and/or interactive emails, in order to improve your utility.
Services: We can provide you with services based on third party applications and tools contained in some JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK sites, such as Google Maps or QUARTAL FLIFE These third parties may automatically receive certain types of information whenever you interact with us through third-party applications and tools.
Your alternatives
You have several choices regarding the use of our websites. You can choose not to submit any personally identifiable information by simply not filling in any forms or data fields on our sites and by not using any of the personalized services available. If you decide to submit personal data, you have the right to view and correct your data at any time by accessing the application. Some sites may request your authorization for certain uses of the information, and it is possible for you to consent or reject them. If you opt for particular services or communications, such as the e-newsletter (e-newsletter), you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions included in each communication. If you decide to opt out of a service or communication, we will try to delete your information as soon as possible, although we may need additional information before we can process your request.
As mentioned above, if you wish to prevent cookies from tracking you anonymously when you browse our sites, you can set your browser to reject all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent.


JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK employs technologies and security measures, regulations and other procedures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, loss or destruction. To ensure the confidentiality of your data, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK additionally uses standard firewalls and password protection. However, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that the computer you are using is adequately protected against malicious software such as Trojan horses, computer viruses and worm programs. You should be aware that without adequate security measures (for example, secure browser settings, up-to-date antivirus software, personal firewall software, not using software from questionable sources) there is a risk that the data and passwords used to protect access to your Data may be disclosed to unauthorized third parties.
Data usage
JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK, including subsidiaries, divisions and groups worldwide and/or subcontracted companies to perform services on our behalf, will use the personally identifiable information that you have chosen to submit to us in accordance with your requests. We assume control and responsibility for the use of this information. Some of this data may be stored or processed on computers located in other jurisdictions, such as the United States, whose data protection laws may be different from the jurisdiction where you reside. In these cases, we will ensure that appropriate protections are in place so that the data processor in that country is required to maintain protections over the data that are equivalent to those applied in the country where you live.
It will also help us personalize certain communications about services and promotions that may be of interest to you. For example, we might analyze the gender or age of visitors in relation to a particular medication or disease state, and use this aggregate data analysis internally or share it with others.
Data sharing and transfer
JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK shares your personally identifiable data with various third-party companies or agents working on our behalf for the purpose of conducting business transactions, such as customer service, sending marketing communications about our products, services and offers, and technological maintenance. We may also share personally identifiable data with our company’s subsidiaries and affiliates. All of these companies and agents are required to abide by the terms of our privacy policies.
We may also disclose personally identifiable information for the following purposes:
a) with reference to sales, assignment or other business transfer of the site related to the information.
b) to respond to requests from legitimate government agencies or when required by applicable law, court orders or government regulations.
c) when necessary in corporate audits or to investigate or respond to a security threat or complaint.
It is not used in third party direct marketing. We will not sell or transfer the personally identifiable information you provide to us on our websites to third parties for their own direct marketing use, unless we clearly notify you and obtain your explicit consent for this sharing for these purposes. .

Data usage

JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK, including subsidiaries, divisions and groups worldwide and/or subcontracted companies to perform services on our behalf, will use the personally identifiable information that you have chosen to submit to us in accordance with your requests. We assume control and responsibility for the use of this information. Some of this data may be stored or processed on computers located in other jurisdictions, such as the United States, whose data protection laws may be different from the jurisdiction where you reside. In these cases, we will ensure that appropriate protections are in place so that the data processor in that country is required to maintain protections over the data that are equivalent to those applied in the country where you live.
It will also help us personalize certain communications about services and promotions that may be of interest to you. For example, we might analyze the gender or age of visitors in relation to a particular medication or disease state, and use this aggregate data analysis internally or share it with others.
Data sharing and transfer
JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK shares your personally identifiable data with various third-party companies or agents working on our behalf for the purpose of conducting business transactions, such as customer service, sending marketing communications about our products, services and offers, and technological maintenance. We may also share personally identifiable data with our company’s subsidiaries and affiliates. All of these companies and agents are required to abide by the terms of our privacy policies.
We may also disclose personally identifiable information for the following purposes:
a) with reference to sales, assignment or other business transfer of the site related to the information.
b) to respond to requests from legitimate government agencies or when required by applicable law, court orders or government regulations.
c) when necessary in corporate audits or to investigate or respond to a security threat or complaint.
It is not used in third party direct marketing. We will not sell or transfer the personally identifiable information you provide to us on our websites to third parties for their own direct marketing use, unless we clearly notify you and obtain your explicit consent for this sharing for these purposes. .
Sending an email to a friend or colleague. On some JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK sites, you can send a link or message to a friend or colleague, referring them to a JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website. The email addresses you provide of your friends will be used to send information to them on your behalf, and will not be collected or used by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK or third parties for any other purpose.
Google Analytics. JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK’s websites may use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the site analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the site, making reports on the activity of the site for the company or providing other services related to the activity of the site and the use of the Internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where these third parties will process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data known to Google. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the relevant options in your browser. However, as we have previously mentioned, you should take into account that if you do so, the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website may not work perfectly. By using a JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website, you consent to the processing of your data by Google in the manner and for the purposes explained above.

JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK also uses Facebook Pixel

Facebook pixel is a code placed on the website provided by Facebook. This code is used to anonymously track users who interact with our website, Facebook and Instagram posts, and our Facebook and Instagram ads.
The Facebook Pixel allows JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK to know how users interact with the Website after seeing a JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK product ad on Facebook or Instagram. This information allows JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK to understand how people interact with the website in order to optimize it and carry out communication actions. This information allows JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK to direct its advertising to groups of individuals (not isolated individuals) who interact with the website, advertising or Facebook and Instagram channels and who perform various actions with them.

Data sharing and transfer

JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK shares your personally identifiable data with various third-party companies or agents working on our behalf for the purpose of conducting business transactions, such as customer service, sending marketing communications about our products, services and offers, and technological maintenance. We may also share personally identifiable data with our company’s subsidiaries and affiliates. All of these companies and agents are required to abide by the terms of our privacy policies.
We may also disclose personally identifiable information for the following purposes:
a) with reference to sales, assignment or other business transfer of the site related to the information.
b) to respond to requests from legitimate government agencies or when required by applicable law, court orders or government regulations.
c) when necessary in corporate audits or to investigate or respond to a security threat or complaint.
It is not used in third party direct marketing. We will not sell or transfer the personally identifiable information you provide to us on our websites to third parties for their own direct marketing use, unless we clearly notify you and obtain your explicit consent for this sharing for these purposes. .
Sending an email to a friend or colleague. On some JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK sites, you can send a link or message to a friend or colleague, referring them to a JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website. The email addresses you provide of your friends will be used to send information to them on your behalf, and will not be collected or used by JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK or third parties for any other purpose.
Google Analytics. JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK’s websites may use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the site analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the site, making reports on the activity of the site for the company or providing other services related to the activity of the site and the use of the Internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where these third parties will process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data known to Google. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the relevant options in your browser. However, as we have previously mentioned, you should take into account that if you do so, the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website may not work perfectly. By using a JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK website, you consent to the processing of your data by Google in the manner and for the purposes explained above.

Links to other sites

All trademarks mentioned are owned by a member of the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group, or a member of the JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Group has permission to use them.
Children’s Privacy Statement
Our websites are directed at an adult audience. We do not collect personally identifiable information from people we know to be under the age of 13 without the prior and verifiable consent of their legal representative. Said legal representative has the right, upon request, to consult the information provided by the child and/or to request that it be deleted.

Additional information about websites

If a website has particular provisions relating to privacy that differ from those set forth in this document, those provisions will be provided on the page where the personally identifiable information is collected.
Note to users of business or professional websites
If you have a business or professional relationship with JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK, we may use the information you provide on our sites, including those specifically intended for business and professional users, to respond to your requests and develop a business relationship with you and the entities to which the ones it represents. We may also share that information with third parties acting on our behalf.
Privacy Statement Updates
Periodically, JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK may review this Privacy Statement online. Any changes to this Privacy Statement will be immediately posted on this page. Your continued access to our sites, after receiving notice of a change to our Privacy Statement, will indicate your consent to the use of the information you submit, in accordance with the amended JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK Privacy Statement. The effective date of this Privacy Statement is May 1, 2022.
For any questions, or if you want JHONATHAN DAVID SHAIK to modify or delete your profile, please contact us in writing (postal mail):
My PO. Box Office (mail)
99 Wall Street Suite 2028.
New York City, New York 10005.